The Querencia company and community of Members have a deep history of generosity throughout the Los Cabos community.


Established locally in 2022, more than 140 local children afflicted with cleft palates, along with their families, have received a wide range of support and services from Smile Train Los Cabos.

Los Cabos Children’s Foundation

Founded by Querencia Members, the child-based organization has impacted the lives of more than 85,000 local children.

Liga MAC

Liga MAC opened an 8,000 sq. ft. Learning Centre with educational outreach support for the entire family.

Casa Hogar

Casa Hogar provides active, full-time care and parental guidance to 25 vulnerable children and teens who are unable to live with their families.


CommuniCabo is currently working with 57 children to help them communicate verbally through free Speech and Language Therapy Services.

Teletón México

Teletón is building a new facility in Los Cabos that will serve children with neuromuscularskeletal disabilities.



Querencia is aligned with recognized and fully-vetted charitable organizations that are making a difference in the lives of the people of Los Cabos. Many of these non-profit organizations have roots right here within our community and were founded or organized by Querencia Members.

a child hugging a man

Join Us

The Querencia Foundation’s exists to partner with local directors of nonprofits to enhance their fundraising efforts and meet immediate budgetary needs via a grant process. Contributions to the Foundation support not only established local charities, but also lesser-known ones with equally important and impactful missions.


If you are interested in joining us, learning more or making a donation, please email


Learn more about our current partners or make a direct donation at the links below:


SmileTrain | LigaMac | Los Cabos Children’s Foundation | Communicabo Teletón México | Casa Hogar


Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you. Just let us know how to reach you and a Querencia representative will be in touch shortly.

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