Our Grant Process

In order to determine compatibility and viability, local charities are vetted and scored by the Foundation Board based on eight fundamental categories:

  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Financial Health
  • Mission Alignment
  • Program Effectiveness
  • Governance and Transparency
  • Impact Measurement and Reporting
  • Collaboration
  • Long-term Viability
A mother and child



Strengthening the comprehensive educational experience for the youth of Los Cabos with the application of financial and practical support.


Fortifying and improving the overall health and wellbeing of Los Cabos children, adolescents and adults, ultimately benefiting the entire family unit.


Providing good stewardship and working with local environmental organizations to preserve and protect our native ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do organizations request a grant from the Foundation?

Local organizations aligned with the Foundation’s mission and dedicated to Los Cabos community may request a grant application. Please email Foundation@qcabo.com to begin the application process.

How does the Foundation collaborate with local directors of charities?

The Foundation maintains ongoing communication and collaboration with charity leaders throughout the year to gain a deeper understanding of their priorities and provide tailored support for their immediate budgetary needs. This close relationship ensures that we can accurately assess and fulfill their requirements, thereby enabling them to enhance their ongoing missions.

How does the Foundation measure results?

The Foundation maintains continuous communication with grant recipient organization throughout the year to conduct evaluations and reports on the proper utilization of grant funds. For each supported project we align on metrics to gauge the impact of our contributions to the charities and measure progress accordingly. Our work and results are transparently presented in our annual public report.

Is the Foundation a 501(c)(3)?

Yes, the Querencia Foundation received this status in 2022.

How does the Foundation decide which charities to support?

The Foundation meticulously reviews each organization’s application, working closely with them to understand their proposed projects. We use an evaluation system that scores the organizations to ensure good standing with legal requirements, transparency, long-term sustainability and their commitment to their missions. The Board then selects grant allocations through a voting session.
Q Foundation Board Members


A happy child

Join Us

If you are interested in joining us or making a donation, please email Foundation@qcabo.com.


The Querencia Foundation’s purpose is to partner with local directors of nonprofits to enhance their fundraising efforts and meet immediate budgetary needs via a grant process. Contributions to the Foundation support not only established local charities, but also lesser-known ones with equally important and impactful missions.


Learn more about our current partners or make a direct donation at the links below:


SmileTrain | LigaMac | Los Cabos Children’s Foundation | Communicabo Teletón México | Casa Hogar


Interested in learning more? We’d love to hear from you. Just let us know how to reach you and a Querencia representative will be in touch shortly.

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